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first-grade enterprise中文是什么意思

用"first-grade enterprise"造句"first-grade enterprise"怎么读"first-grade enterprise" in a sentence


  • 一级企业


  • The company adheres to the principle : " to serve people and technology is the base " . it goes forward to become the first - grade enterprise in china by making quality its brand and profit , price the market , competition the dvelopment
  • The company was certified to be in conformity with iso 9002 in 2001 and was honored with first - grade enterprise that reached four management standards and credible unit with fulfilling contract by baotou industrial and commercial bureau while honored with inner mongolia demonstration enterprise of science and technology innovation in 2002
    公司环保手续全,并于2001年通过了iso9002质量体系认证,获得了四项管理达标一级企业,被包头市工商局授予重合同守信用单位, 2002年被内蒙古自治区授予“内蒙古科技创新示范企业” 。
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